  Stand your ground, and fight.

  You know the best part? It isn't knowing that your friends have your back, it's knowing that you have your friend's back.

 一個哈佛主修新聞的學生,Matt Buckner,因為出身上流社會的室友偷藏古柯鹼而代罪被退學,而前往英國投靠他的姐姐和姊夫Steve Dunham。在那裏,他遇見Pete,Steve的弟弟。從SOCCER到FOOTBALL,美國佬(the Yank)體驗了全然不同的歐洲足球狂熱;而所謂的足球流氓(Hooligans,其實這樣翻很不貼切,但似乎沒有更好的對應),不只是新聞上看到的暴力事件、或是街頭的破酒瓶和滿地血跡,還有深深的革命情誼…。
 順便附上wiki的 還有一些評語:
  • New York Post: "Director and co-writer Lexi Alexander choreographs the fight scenes with thrilling chaos, and the plot unfolds expertly if melodramatically. "
  • The New York Times: "The truth is that once you have seen one glass bottle shatter over a guy's head, you have pretty much seen them all. When toward the end of the film Ms. Alexander shows the hooligans at their day jobs - behind desks, in ties and suits - these shards of normalcy register as both surprising and disappointing"
  • Total Film: "Elijah Wood struggles as a Jekyll and Hyde hooligan, but this is a skull-cracking glimpse at a dangerous and addictive underworld."
  • Empire: "A surprisingly rose-tinted look at a subculture that really should have been stamped out some time ago"
  • Rotten Tomates: "When it comes to the subculture of soccer thugs, Green Street Hooligans lacks sufficient insight, and instead comes off as a Fight Club knock-off."
  • Nuts Magazine: "Makes the football factory look like a girly playground scrap"
  • The Daily Mirror (U.K): "The plot's not much cop"
  • Worldwide Total Gross: $3,154,346 United States Total Gross: $346,830

 有興趣的歡迎來找我吧xD 很希望能有更多人看到足球的魅力:)


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